(61) 3234 2738
Adress: CLSW 105, Bloco C, Sala 153, Setor Sudoeste, Edifício Diana Mall Business, Brasília, DF, CEP 70670-433
The Chamaleon Institute was founded in 2007 after an invitation from the social support group Anjos do Amanhã (Angels of Tomorrow), a project by the Distrito Federal Regional Court of Youth and Infantile Infractions. Chamaleon Institute is the result of the convergence of the work of professional psychologists with a bold and challenging proposal: therapeutic care for children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse and mistreatment, and their families, respecting each child, in a volunteer and specialized work.
The name Chamaeleon (verbalized camáleon), came from the testimony of one of the first children attended that said: “you were the star that guided my life!”. From the idea of the star came the name of a constellation that is visible all year round in the southern hemisphere and located near the constellation of the Southern Cross; The constellation Chamaeleon.
Officially recognized as an NGO the Chamaeleon Institute initially offered psychotherapeutic support to children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse and their families. In 2008, the recognition of the efforts made, the donated love and the seriousness of the work resulted in the certification of Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP).
What makes the Chamaeleon Institute different is the fact that it is managed by health professionals and also has volunteer professionals in the area of education, arts and law. With time and the appearance of other demands the attendances were extended to physical and psychological mistreatment intra and extra familiar .
In 2013, the Institute created a center dedicated to the care of women victims of domestic violence. Many are mothers of children who are victims of abuse, many are victims of domestic violence, physical, financial and psychological.
The ultimate goal is to re-signify their lives, to rescue their identity, to welcome them, to comfort them, to give them hope for a more meaningful future, treating them in their essence, in their soul. This is a sad reality often despised by some, neglected by others and unknown by many so we also act together with schools, families, other organizations and institutions and society in general.
Implemented Projects
“Confraria Itinerante do Bem”
Currently no return forecast.
Duration of the project: 5 years
“Venda do Bem”
Partner companies promote a day or a week of sales in their establishments with part of sales reverted to Chamaeleon Institute. Partners: Empório Companhia do Sono, Kaza Chique, Villa Objeto, Santa Pizza and Restaurante Dom Francisco.
Duration of the project: 3 years.
“Espaço de Talentos”
Project created in 2012 which aims to teach music, theater and languages to the children of the institute. It started with the exclusive recital by pianist Arthur Moreira held at the Embassy of Argentina.
Duration of the project: for 6 months in 2012. Since 2014 we unfortunately did not get support to continue
“Apadrinhe uma Criança”
Sponsorship project which, for a monthly and standardized amount, one can support the transportation cost, medication (if necessary) and other basic needs of patients and their families. Becoming a sponsor, your institution will receive a Social Responsible Company Seal, or Good Friend Seal for yourself. The company logo will be linked to our website and promotional material. The sponsor will be able to meet the child / adolescent, talk to them and monitor their progress. Every six months, the sponsor will receive an expense report. You can gather your friends, your institution’s employees and partners to be part of this project. Each one giving a little will do a lot for each child.
Duration of the project: Since July 2012
“Projeto Sacolas Sociais Dudalina”
In December of 2012 we started a partnership with Instituto Adelina to make patchworking social bags. The project has grown to become the “Mulheres de Sucesso” brand. The incomes are fully reverted to the group of artisans DeLimaRosa and the Chamaeleon Institute.
Duration of the project: 5 years
“Conversa com quem gosta de ensinar”
Project with the objective of teaching teachers to identify children and adolescents who are passing through or have been victims of abuse and sexual violence, so that the students can receive the necessary help through the continuous care, psychosocial, to the Children and Adolescents Victims of Violence, Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and their Families.
Duration of the project: 2 years
“Projeto Jovens em Ação – Finalizado com êxito”
In partnership with the Associação Soroptimistas do Distrito Federal, we are part of the Friends of the Zilda Arns School, in Itapoã. With workshops on self-esteem, emotional and physical health care, behavior, among others, we are managing to change the reality of young people from 9 to 18 years of age, in situations of social vulnerability.
Duration of the project: 2 years and a half.
“Projeto Coleção Infantil Confrades do Bem”
The project presents a collection of children’s books on values, such as ethics, education, family, social and environmental responsibility, and the status of children and adolescents in language accessible to all children and young people. “Coleção Infantil Confrades do Bem” is set to become a reading and knowledge partner for all young people in the project. You can contribute by sponsoring the collection and having your logo on the back cover of the books.
Current Phase of the project: five books written and in phase of illustration. The 6th book was written by children attended at the Institute and the stories chosen through a contest conducted by the psychologist and writer Simão de Miranda. In search for a sponsor.
“Projeto Capitão Chamaeleon”
Through the donating of art and illustration came the superhero of child victims of sexual abuse. For the time being, it has already enchanted the children. Our project is to turn Capitão Chamaeleon into an action figure and also into comic books. Capitão Chamaeleon was created by Rafael Sá with illustration by Frank Alves, volunteer partners in the project.
“Resgate Mulher”
Therapeutic and legal assistance to women victims of domestic violence. Lectures and Panels have helped to raise awareness and take away from the cycle of violence many women, also stimulated by the book “Um Soco na Alma” (A Punch in the Soul), which reports a real case of psychological violence.
Our Institutional Partners
-Associação Soroptimistas
-Cays Turismo
-Correio Braziliense
-Embaixada da Argentina
-Embaixada do Panamá
-Eye Design
-Grande Loja Maçônica da Asa Norte
-Grupo Mulheres de Sucesso DF
-Instituto Beatriz Schwab
-Kaza ChiqueLeograf
-Pires de Sá Vinhos
-Rede Solidária Anjos do Amanhã
-Renata La Porta Buffet
-Restaurante Dom Francisco
-Santa Pizza
-Vila Objeto